I found this cool thing called My Virtual Model at That One Blonde Girl. This is what I look now, and what I'll look at my goal weight. What I look like now is pretty accurate!

This Fiber-along is for crafty people who are trying to shed some pounds or just be healthier. We're here to support each other, celebrate our accomplishments, promote activities (knitting instead of eating!), and inform each other of crafty projects relating to weight loss.
I found this cool thing called My Virtual Model at That One Blonde Girl. This is what I look now, and what I'll look at my goal weight. What I look like now is pretty accurate!
So I tried to start my diet plan this week, but fell off the wagon last night (why did I have chocolate covered pretzals in the house, why!!!!!) But tomorrow is another day. I plan on either going cycling with Megan or going to "Body Attack" at the gym.